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per 30 ml


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MRO-490/-    DP-299       BV-150

स्टीविया या स्टेविया एक हर्ब यानी जड़ी-बूटी है, जो कई फायदों (RMG Stevia Benefits) से भरपूर होता है। यह रेबौडियाना पौधों (Stevia rebaudiana plant) से प्राप्त होता है। स्वाद में इसकी पत्तियां मीठी होती हैं। इसे स्वीट लीफ, शुगरलीफ या मीठी तुलसी भी कहते हैं। दरअसल, इसकी पत्तियां देखने में बिल्कुल तुलसी की पत्तियों जैसी होती हैं। स्टेविया मोटापा, हाई ब्लड प्रेशर को कम करता है। साथ ही इसके सेवन से ब्लड शुगर लेवल भी अधिक नहीं होता। यह प्राकृतिक रूप से मीठा (Stevia Natural Sweetener) होता है, ऐसे में चीनी से कई गुणा अधिक लाभदायक है। इसका इस्तेमाल नेचुरल स्वीटनर के तौर पर किया जाता है, तभी यह डायबिटीज रोगियों के लिए फायदेमंद है। कहते हैं सामान्य चीनी से यह स्वाद में 200 गुणा अधिक मीठा होता है। स्टेविया Drops,  आदि रूप में USE । इसके RMG Stevia  Drops को आप चाय, कॉफी, दही, दूध, जूस आदि में चीनी की जगह मिलाकर पी सकते हैं। डायबिटीज, मोटापे से ग्रस्त लोग इसका सेवन करेंगे तो लाभ होगा। जब टाइप 2 डायबिटीज रोगी स्टेविया का सेवन करने से भोजन करने के बाद ग्लूकोज लेवल कम होता है।

स्‍टीविया की पत्तियों में एंटीऑक्‍सीडेंट जैसे फ्लेवोनॉएड्स, टैनिन, कैफेइक एसिड (Caffeic acid) आदि मौजूद होते हैं। साथ ही इसमें आयरन, प्रोटीन, फाइबर, पोटैशियम, मैग्‍नीशियम, सोडियम, विटामिन ए, सी भी काफी अधिक मात्रा में होती है। ये सभी पोषक तत्‍व हमारी सेहत को कई तरह से लाभ पहुंचाते हैं। 

  • Adds Sweetness without calories- RMG Stevia is a natural sugar substitute made from the leaves of the stevia plant. It is sweet like table sugar but does not contain any calories or carbohydrates. It can be used to prepare any recipe. Does not contain any artificial sweeteners.
  • Good for Diabetics & weight loss- RMG stevia sugar free drops is diabetic-friendly and beneficial for weight loss. Since it contains no calories & carbohydrates it helps to control any weight gain. You can add it to your green tea for weight loss or healthy snacks for weight loss. Zero Glycemic Index means that it is safe and beneficial for diabetics & helps manage blood sugar. Also helps manage high blood pressure.
  • 100% Natural & Sugar-Free- it is a sugar substitute that adds a delicious taste to your food and has no negative effects of table sugar. It has no side effects & is safe for all ages including kids as it does not cause cavities. It is one of the best weight loss products for women & men. Use it in your tea, coffee, sweets, baked foods etc.
  • Easy to use- RMG Stevia drops come in an easy to use bottle containing 30 ml of liquid stevia. 2 Drops = 1 Tablespoon of sugar. You can add 3-4 drops to your coffee or tea as per your taste. Due to its easy handling and storage, 

What is Stevia or Meethi Tulsi?

RMG Stevia is a plant which looks similar to a Tulsi Plant. The leaves of Stevia plant are extremely sweet in taste. 

Magicleaf Stevia Leaf Drops are made from these Stevia leaves!

How are Stevia Drops made?

Stevia drops are made by extracting the sweet compounds, or steviol glycosides, from dried and crushed Stevia leaves. The leaves are steeped in hot water to extract the sweet compounds, and the resulting liquid is then filtered. This concentrated extract is then mixed with water, without the use of any harmful chemicals, to make a natural and calorie-free sweetener.

We have developed our own organically certifiable extraction process for extracting Steviol glycosides (sweet molecules) from Stevia leaves. Throughout the process, our product is subjected to over 25 quality checks.

The process ensures that Stevia Drops are made without the use of artificial sweeteners, calories or carbohydrates, making it an excellent alternative to sugar for those who are looking for a healthier, more natural sweetening option.

How to use Stevia Drops?

Add a few drops in your favorite beverages as per your preference of sweetness. Usually 3-5 drops are enough to sweeten a cup of Tea.

Where to use Stevia Drops?

Tea, Green Tea, Lemonade, Kadha, Sharbat, Juices, Smoothies & many more beverages.

Who can use Stevia Drops?

Diabetics, Non-Diabetics, Children, Elderly and even Pregnant Women can use these 100% Natural Stevia Leaf Drops.

Magicleaf’s Stevia Drops contains:

  • Zero Sugar
  • Zero Calories
  • Zero Artificial Sweeteners
  • Zero Glycemic Index
  • Zero Preservatives

Magicleaf works with smallholder farmers in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand to grow and harvest the Stevia leaves.

Product Ingredients (100% Natural):
Pure Meethi Tulsi (Stevia Leaf) Extract, Purified Water, Natural Dietary Fiber, Vegetable Glycerin.

Stevia - King of All Sweeteners:

Stevia, a natural sweetener extracted from the Stevia plant, has earned the nickname "King of All Sweeteners" due to its unique and impressive qualities. As a zero-calorie and zero-glycemic-index sweetener, Stevia is a great alternative to sugar for people who are diabetic, overweight, or looking to reduce their sugar intake. Unlike artificial sweeteners, Stevia does not contain any harmful chemicals or additives, making it a safer and healthier option.

With its natural and deliciously sweet taste, Stevia is quickly gaining popularity and cementing its status as the go-to choice for people seeking an alternative to sugar.

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